This recipes calls for:
8oz of cream cheese (at room temperature)
semi-sweet chocolate (about 20oz)
cookie sheet
wax paper
sprinkles (optional)
1. In a stand mixer, or with a hand-held mixer:
beat the cream cheese + equal parts melted chocolate.
(to get melted chocolate. You can microwave it at 30 second bursts, but careful not to burn the chocolate. Or you can use the double-boiler method, which I personally prefer....You have better control of the temperature).
2. Mix everything together, then refrigerate for about 15 minutes, for it to firm up.
3. Line your cookie sheet with wax paper.
4. Take an ice cream spoon, or eye-ball it (you want even sizes) of the mixture into small round balls.
5. Melt another equal portion of chocolate.
6. Place the toothpicks into each truffle. (this makes the next step alot easier to work with).
7. Take each ball, and dip it into the chocolate, covering it fully. (you can use a spoon to help apply the mixture).
8. Set onto the wax paper yet again, remove the toothpick and fill in the holes with added chocolate.
9. You may at this stage add the sprinkles. Totally optional.
10. Continue till you have completed all the balls.
11. Place in freezer for about 30 minutes, till nice and firm.
This may seem like many steps, but trust me it really isn't.
In my experience making these I did use 70% cocoa dark chocolate. So it wasn't as sweet as it should have been, but that is what I had on hand, so that is what I used.
Next time, I would be adding more cream cheese to my recipe, as I did not really taste the cheese (plus I really, really love cheese).
This recipe MUST be REFRIDGERATED!!!
Play around with the recipe and see what you like best! :)
Play around with the recipe and see what you like best! :)
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